At the gym the other morning I heard the song “We Built This City” by Starship – it’s a fun song from the 1980’s and put me in a good mood when I heard it. We all have this experience, whether it’s a song, or a speech or just the sounds of nature. I was …
Regardless of your time, money, circumstance, or even any realistic chance of success, here are three things always your control when you are pursuing something you are truly passionate about:
Yesterday I posted a video on our tendency to take a specific instance of failure, loss, or rejection and generalize it into a characterization of our identity. We then, with strong emotion, internalize these characterizations and imprint them into our unconscious minds, where they are integrated into our sense of identity unless later purged. At …
Resolving fundamental issues in our unconscious can help us to release psychological limitations and pain, and to identify that which is most meaningful to us but which is buried below the chaos. I think of a scab which has formed over our unconscious, cold and hard until something ruptures the scab and releases the chaos …
The curious incident in today’s Morning Pages session was that nothing unusual happened. It was just a normal session, with no major upheaval or release like what happened yesterday. And when I reflected on yesterday’s Morning Pages session, I couldn’t identify any specific triggers the day before that I thought would have caused such an …
A few weeks ago I started doing Morning Pages, which is a three-page writing practice described in The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Each morning for the past 19 days I’ve done my three pages, with some mild benefit each day. This morning, however, I had a different experience entirely. I woke up around midnight …
I’ve always been taught to communicate in such a way that the other can understand and remember your main points, to package things in groups of three and make them connect. That is a useful method for certain circumstances, but when one is communicating to try to help the other person remember the main points, …
This blog complements the Dear Niblings YouTube channel and is an way to share thoughts and ideas that either will become videos or that don’t necessarily lend themselves to videos. One important focus, at least initially, will be the mess of undiscovered chaos in our unconscious mind that cannot be observed but which makes its …