April 10, 2024

I’m a few days away from posting another story on the DN YT channel, and it’s (partly) about the magic of finding one’s passion – or of it finding you. I realized just this evening that, in college and thereafter, I had wanted to express something meaningful within, but I didn’t have anything to express other than the desire to express something meaningful. It’s strange – it was like a theme with no plot.

Lots of things came together several years ago when my passion found me (falling in love with reading and writing), and it came to be that I finally (after 29 years, from 18 to 47) had something to express. There’s finally a plot, something to grab hold of and work with.

I guess I was thinking about this because I’ve been reading a bunch of Shakespeare recently – I want to write my next story in iambic pentameter, and maybe it will be in a play format. It’s strange with him – it’s like he has lots to share about the characters he creates, and meaningful insights into life, but I can’t tell that he has any specific message to share with the world. Not about his talent/genius, not about his own personal views on life, etc. I’d think he’d want to tell the world – and specifically young people – about how his mind worked and the source of inspiration for his plays, but apparently not. Or maybe he would have had he not died at 52. Anyway, it’s neither here nor there, just strange that someone with that capacity didn’t talk about it directly. All this got me thinking about my college years, and I realized just tonight that back then was when I first wanted to express something but didn’t have anything to express. I guess I was the opposite of Shakespeare – he had the plot and the capacity but no desire, and I had the desire but no plot or capacity. Now for me it’s a bit of a race to develop my skill and my plot so I can share a greater part with greater capacity. I should have enough time to create some good stories if I live to 80+…

Anyway, over time this blog will hopefully become something useful to someone other than to me. The world doesn’t need another person talking out loud about himself. But after a false start last year, which posts were too analytical, I’m just going to shove off and see where the currents take this.

Something lovely – at the local library used book sale I bought some books on vocab, one of which is a dictionary of many of the Elizabethan words Shakespeare used in his plays. Language and its manipulation (imagery, expression, etc.) can truly be beautiful. I wish I’d fallen in love with this in college, but instead I went into engineering. I was so lost…