January 2, 2025

Writing practice: just write

“Suppose,” said F (continuing from yesterday), “that we resonate. When we observe something in reality, our impression of it causes us to resonate, to vibrate with a certain frequency. That frequency could be positive (we have a good feeling), bad (a negative feeling), or no resonance at all. And suppose how we cause others to vibrate affects how we cause them to resonate with our vibrations. As if those vibrations that are strong, coherent, and positive resonate more easily with others than with those that are weak, incoherent, and negative. As if, perhaps, people perceive the guideposts of pain/pleasure more by how they resonate with their surroundings (or at least how their surroundings cause them to resonate) than by the deliberate mental constructs they create to understand their surroundings.

“As if this were a game less of mental constructs than of vibrations, vibrations being below the deliberate level of reasoning consciousness and more on the level of emotion response. Then maybe how do you resonate positively with others *so that* they will be open to deliberate formation of mental constructs.

[started this yesterday, picking back up today]

“Anyway, a change. It’s funny how people don’t mind identifying, as clearly they are able, the facts of reality and their implications just as long as that identification doesn’t negatively impact them. And I guess the bigger the negative effect, the more recalcitrant they are to speak and be seen clearly. It’s the taking responsibility for negative consequences that people want to avoid. Naturally.

[write more, reflect less – this is writing practice]

“I can say that I exist, even though I’m a collection of atoms and I don’t really know how it is that I have the consciousness to know this. But whatever. Anyway, lots of other things (and by that I mean collections of atoms) exist. Ok. Fine. That’s the “real world”. Then there’s our thoughts about the real world – not necessarily similar. And it’s our thoughts that affect how we act, that decide how we act. So much comes down to human psychology.

“And it’s not just what we say, but how what we say resonates with those listening. Kind of like the lyrics and the melody. And sometimes bad lyrics get a pass with a good melody.

It’s very interesting that, because the earth is a sphere, the volume of air in a given radius range increases quite a bit, which is why it’s much colder the higher you go. Won’t bother calculating right now. Just looking at another windows background image of a road heading toward some snowy mountains. I’m thinking of a child flying down the hill on a sled with wheels, then turning into a bird as he launches from the up-ramp in the distance, then speeding toward and between the mountain peaks, rolling, banking, plummeting then rising again. The sunlight flickering between the peaks as he plays along the ridge.

[shorter session today]